At first, the required values are specified:
%% input Configurations
N_Cities = 25;
Cities_Shape = 'sphere';
N_Chromosomes = 500;
Percent_Selection = 50;
Percent_Cross = 45;
Percent_Mutate = 5;
iterations = 5000;
Dimentions = 3;
Area = [3 4 5];
end_check_width = 100;
%% Initialize Variables
text = sprintf(' %s : %s\n',[...
["Cities","Chromosomes","% Repupulate","% Cross","% Mutate"];...
[N_Cities,N_Chromosomes,Percent_Selection,Percent_Cross,Percent_Mutate] ]);
N_Selection = floor(N_Chromosomes*Percent_Selection/100);
N_Cross = floor(N_Chromosomes*Percent_Cross/100);
N_Mutate = floor(N_Chromosomes*Percent_Mutate/100);
global Cities Chromosomes
Cities = GenerateRandomData.Cities(N_Cities,Dimentions,Area,Cities_Shape);
Chromosomes = GenerateRandomData.Chromosomes(N_Chromosomes,N_Cities);
best_rank = min(cell2mat(Chromosomes(:,2)));
best_way = Chromosomes{cell2mat(Chromosomes(:,2)) == best_rank , 1};
all_ranks = [];
all_ranks(end+1) = best_rank;
n = 0;
In this section, the problem information is displayed first. Then, the cities and chromosomes are generated from the functions I have written, and a matrix is created to hold the minimum distance of each generation, as well as the best route and its distance in two other parameters. Finally, by calling the "tic" command, the timing is started, and we enter the evolution process.
%% Start Evolutionation
while true
clc; n = n + 1; fprintf('%4d', n);
if n == iterations
[Selected,Not_Selected] = GeneticFunctions.Selection(N_Selection,Chromosomes);
Mutate = GeneticFunctions.Mutation(Cross,N_Mutate);
Chromosomes = [Selected;Cross;Mutate];
% check for best way
ranks_mat = cell2mat(Chromosomes(:,2));
best = min(ranks_mat);
all_ranks(end+1) = best;
if best < best_rank
best_rank = best;
index = find(ranks_mat == best_rank);
best_way = Chromosomes{index , 1};
title = "Best Guess → " + string(n) + "th Generation , Distance : "...
elseif rem(n,1)==0
check = exist('title','var');
if check
% Check for Termination
if GeneticFunctions.end_condition(end_check_width,all_ranks)
end_text = {"no improvements in "+string(end_check_width)+...
" cycles.","Evolutionation Time : "+sprintf('%.2f',toc)};
In this section, the main work is done by the functions written in the GeneticFunctions class, which include parent selection, reproduction, and mutation process (I performed mutation on children, but there is not much difference). Then, the next generation is reconstructed.
There are also two other stages in the evolution cycle:
In the previous section, we saw that a function in the class of this file is used randomly to generate cities and chromosomes:
function Data = Cities(N_Cities,Dimentions,Area,Shape)
Data = containers.Map('KeyType','char','ValueType','any');
ASCII_A = double('A');
if Shape == "random"
Data('A') = zeros(1,Dimentions);
for i = 1:1:N_Cities-1
Data( char(ASCII_A + i) ) = rand(1,Dimentions).*Area;
elseif Shape == "sphere"
if Dimentions ~= 3
error("to make a sphere , Dimentions should be 3!");
n = sqrt(N_Cities-1);
if n-floor(n)==0
n = floor(n);
n = floor(n)+1;
[X,Y,Z] = sphere(n);
X = ([X(1,1);reshape(X(2:n,:),[],(1));X(n+1,1)]+1)/2;
Y = ([Y(1,1);reshape(Y(2:n,:),[],(1));Y(n+1,1)]+1)/2;
Z = ([Z(1,1);reshape(Z(2:n,:),[],(1));Z(n+1,1)]+1)/2;
for i = 1:N_Cities
Data( char(ASCII_A + i - 1) ) = [X(i) Y(i) Z(i)].*Area;
As we can see, in this section, if the random state is selected, a random point (if it is 2D, two numbers, and if it is 3D, three numbers) is chosen between zero and one and is multiplied by the selection area. If the sphere state is also selected, points are generated using the sphere function, and we choose cities from them according to the number of cities.
function Data = Chromosomes(N_Chromosomes,N_Cities)
Data = cell(0);
temp = 'A';
for i = 1:N_Cities
temp = string(temp) + char('A' + i);
temp = char(temp);
for i = 1:1:N_Chromosomes
Data{i,1} = temp(randperm(N_Cities));
Data{i,2} = GeneticFunctions.Fitness_Function(Data{i,1});
clear i j temp
To select chromosomes, we first define a temp parameter and put letters from A to the end in it for the number of cities, for example, if the number of cities is five, we have:
temp = ‘ABCDE’
Then, to generate each chromosome, we produce a real sequence of random numbers between one and the number of cities (non-repeating), and we adopt the same sequence of cities for the desired chromosome.
The Cross, Mutation, Fitness, and functions related to drawing specific explanations do not have any input.
function [Selected,Not_Selected] = Roulette_wheel(ranks,Num)
ranks_sum = sum(ranks);
ranks = [ranks,(1:1:length(ranks))'];
output = zeros(Num,1);
for i = 1:1:Num
target = ranks_sum*rand(1);
current = 0;
for j = 1:1:length(ranks)
current = current + ranks(j,1);
if current >= target
output(i) = ranks(j,2);
ranks_sum = ranks_sum - ranks(j,1);
ranks(j,:) = [];
Selected = output;
Not_Selected = zeros(length(ranks),1);
for i = 1:1:length(ranks)
Not_Selected(i) = ranks(i,2);
This function takes an array of scores and a numerical input, and returns the output as the numerical input. The method is uniformly distributed and considers the scores as measurements on a straight line. At each step, a random number between zero and the length of the line is chosen, and the corresponding score is added to the output and removed from the selection.
function [Selected,Not_Selected] = Selection(N_Childs,Parents)
sorted_parents = sortrows(Parents,2);
d_ranks = d_ranks / min(d_ranks);
ranks = d_ranks.^20;
ranks = ranks / min(ranks);
[Childs_i,Repupulate_i] = GeneticFunctions.Roulette_wheel(ranks,N_Childs);
Selected = sorted_parents(Childs_i,:);
Not_Selected = sorted_parents(Repupulate_i,:);
% GeneticFunctions.test_Roulette_plot(sorted_parents,Childs_i);
In this function, the previously mentioned Roulette Wheel function is used. Here, the input is a list of all current parents and a number as the desired number of selected children (N_Selection). Next, the parents' scores are obtained by inverting their distance.
I have realized through trial and error that if we pass the same array to the Roulette Wheel function, the output will have very poor speed and performance. Therefore, I have increased the probability of selecting better parents by normalizing the scores so that there are no values less than zero, and then raising all scores to the power of 20.
I have included the code I wrote to obtain the above images in the test_Roulette_plot function. As can be seen, by raising the probabilities (distance image) to the power of 20, parents with shorter distances are clearly more selected.
The graphs below show the minimum distance plot for each generation over 300 generations, once by giving the inverted distance as a score and once by giving its power of 20 as an input.
As can be seen, the difference between the two scenarios is significant, and I have also used a power of 20 for the program.
The codes for this post have been posted in the following link:
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